Gilbert & Sullivan For Singers Soprano Bk&audio
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This superb album of G&S favourites comes with an accompanying online audio and plot notes to: How Would I Play This Part & So Ends the Dream,A Simple Sailor Lowly Born & Sorry Her Lot Who Loves Too Well,The Sun Whose Rays,I Cannot Tell What This Love & Love Is A Plaintive Song,Poor Wand'ring One,Oh Goddess Wise,I Built Upon a Rock & A Lady Fair of Lineage High,If Someone There Chanced to Be,When He is Here & Happy Young Heart and 'Tis Done! I Am the Bride.
Just one of the many exciting Choral and vocal music products from our immense range of Sheet Music, Songbooks and Music Gifts for all Musicians, Teachers, Bands, Choirs, and Schools.
Just one of the many exciting Choral and vocal music products from our immense range of Sheet Music, Songbooks and Music Gifts for all Musicians, Teachers, Bands, Choirs, and Schools.
Choral Scores
With Online Media
Hal Leonard
A Lady Fair Of Lineage High (princess Ida)
Gilbert And Sullivan
A Simple Sailor Lowly Born (hms Pinafore)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Happy Young Heart (the Sorcerer)
Gilbert And Sullivan
How Would I Play This Part (the Grand Duke)
Gilbert And Sullivan
I Built Upon A Rock (princess Ida)
Gilbert And Sullivan
I Cannot Tell What This Love May Be (patience)
Gilbert And Sullivan
If Somebody There Chanced To Be (ruddigore)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Love Is A Plaintive Song (patience)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Oh Goddess Wise (princess Ida)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Poor Wandring One (the Pirates Of Penzance)
Gilbert And Sullivan
So Ends My Dream (the Grand Duke)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Sorry Her Lot Who Loves Too Well (hms Pinafore)
Gilbert And Sullivan
The Sun Whose Rays Are All Ablaze (the Mikado)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Tis Done! I Am A Bride (the Yeomen Of The Guard)
Gilbert And Sullivan
When He Is Here (the Sorcerer)
Gilbert And Sullivan