Gilbert & Sullivan Authentic G & S Songbook
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Ninety-two unabridged selections from all 14 operas, reproduced from early vocal scores.
Just one of the many exciting Choral and vocal music products from our immense range of Sheet Music, Songbooks and Music Gifts for all Musicians, Teachers, Bands, Choirs, and Schools.
Just one of the many exciting Choral and vocal music products from our immense range of Sheet Music, Songbooks and Music Gifts for all Musicians, Teachers, Bands, Choirs, and Schools.
Arthur Sullivan
Book only
A Lady Fair Of Lineage High (princess Ida)
Gilbert And Sullivan
A Magnet Hung In A Hardware Shop (patience)
Gilbert And Sullivan
A Maiden Fair To See (hms Pinafore)
Gilbert And Sullivan
A Man Who Would Woo A Fair Maid (the Yeomen Of The Guard)
Gilbert And Sullivan
A More Humane Mikado (the Mikado)
Gilbert And Sullivan
A Wandring Minstrel I (the Mikado)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Alone, And Yet Alive (the Mikado)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Am I Alone, And Unobserved? (patience)
Gilbert And Sullivan
As Some Day It May Happen (the Mikado)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Behold The Lord High Executioner (the Mikado)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Brightly Dawns Our Wedding Day (the Mikado)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Cheerily Carols The Lark (ruddigore)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Dance A Cachucha (the Gondoliers)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Dear Friends, Take Pity On My Lot (the Sorcerer)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Expressive Glances (princess Ida)
Gilbert And Sullivan
For Hes Going To Marry Yum-yum (the Mikado)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Heres A How-de-do (the Mikado)
Gilbert And Sullivan
I Am A Maiden (princess Ida)
Gilbert And Sullivan
I Am The Monarch Of The Sea (hms Pinafore)
Gilbert And Sullivan
I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-general (the Pirates Of Penzance)
Gilbert And Sullivan
I Cannot Tell What This Love May Be (patience)
Gilbert And Sullivan
I Have A Song To Sing O! (the Yeomen Of The Guard)
Gilbert And Sullivan
I Once Was A Very Abandoned Person (ruddigore)
Gilbert And Sullivan
I Shipped Dye See (ruddigore)
Gilbert And Sullivan
I Stole The Prince (the Gondoliers)
Gilbert And Sullivan
I Am The Captain Of The Pinafore (hms Pinafore)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Im Called Little Buttercup (hms Pinafore)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Ive Jibe And Joke (the Yeomen Of The Guard)
Gilbert And Sullivan
If Somebody There Chanced To Be (ruddigore)
Gilbert And Sullivan
If You Give Me Your Attention (princess Ida)
Gilbert And Sullivan
If You Go In Youre Sure To Win (iolanthe)
Gilbert And Sullivan
If You Want A Receipt (patience)
Gilbert And Sullivan
In Enterprise Of Martial Kind (the Gondoliers)
Gilbert And Sullivan
In Evry Mental Lore (utopia, Limited)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Is Life A Boon? (the Yeomen Of The Guard)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Little Maid Of Arcadee (thespis)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Loudly Let The Trumpet Bray (iolanthe)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Love, Unrequited (iolanthe)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Miya Sama (the Mikado)
Gilbert And Sullivan
My Boy You May Take It From Me (ruddigore)
Gilbert And Sullivan
My Eyes Are Fully Open (ruddigore)
Gilbert And Sullivan
My Name Is John Wellington Wells (the Sorcerer)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Never Mind The Why And Wherefore (hms Pinafore)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Oh Gentlemen Listen I Pray (trial By Jury)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Oh! A Private Buffoon (the Yeomen Of The Guard)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Oh, Better Far To Live And Die (the Pirates Of Penzance)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Oh, Foolish Fay (iolanthe)
Gilbert And Sullivan
On A Tree By A River A Little Tom-tit (the Mikado)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Poor Wandring One (the Pirates Of Penzance)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Prithee, Pretty Maiden (patience)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Sad Is That Womans Lot (patience)
Gilbert And Sullivan
So Ends My Dream (the Grand Duke)
Gilbert And Sullivan
So Go To Him (patience)
Gilbert And Sullivan
So Please You, Sir (the Mikado)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Society Has Quite Forsaken All Her Wicked Courses (utopia, Limited)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Spurn Not The Nobly Born (iolanthe)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Strange Adventure! (the Yeomen Of The Guard)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Take A Pair Of Sparkling Eyes (the Gondoliers)
Gilbert And Sullivan
The Bowers That Bloom In The Spring (the Mikado)
Gilbert And Sullivan
The Law Is The True Embodiment (iolanthe)
Gilbert And Sullivan
The Sun, Whose Rays (the Mikado)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Then One Of Us Will Be A Queen (the Gondoliers)
Gilbert And Sullivan
There Is Beauty In The Bellow Of The Blast (the Mikado)
Gilbert And Sullivan
There Lived A King (the Gondoliers)
Gilbert And Sullivan
This Helmet, I Suppose (princess Ida)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Three Little Maids From School (the Mikado)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Time Was When Love And I (the Sorcerer)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Tripping Hither, Tripping Thither (iolanthe)
Gilbert And Sullivan
We Sail The Ocean Blue (hms Pinafore)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Were Called Gondolieri (the Gondoliers)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Welcome Joy! Adieu To Sadness! (the Sorcerer)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Were I Thy Bride (the Yeomen Of The Guard)
Gilbert And Sullivan
When A Felons Not Engaged In His Employment (the Pirates Of Penzance)
Gilbert And Sullivan
When A Merry Maiden Marries (the Gondoliers)
Gilbert And Sullivan
When A Wooer Goes A-wooing (the Yeomen Of The Guard)
Gilbert And Sullivan
When Britain Really Ruld The Waves (iolanthe)
Gilbert And Sullivan
When First My Old Old Love I Knew (trial By Jury)
Gilbert And Sullivan
When I Go Out Of Door (patience)
Gilbert And Sullivan
When I Was A Lad I Served A Term (hms Pinafore)
Gilbert And Sullivan
When I Went To The Bar As A Very Young Man (iolanthe)
Gilbert And Sullivan
When I, Good Friends, Was Calld To The Bar (trial By Jury)
Gilbert And Sullivan
When Maiden Loves, She Sits And Sighs (the Yeomen Of The Guard)
Gilbert And Sullivan
When The Foeman Bares His Steel (the Pirates Of Penzance)
Gilbert And Sullivan
When The Night Wind Howls (ruddigore)
Gilbert And Sullivan
When You Had Left Our Pirate Fold (the Pirates Of Penzance)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Whenere I Spoke (princess Ida)
Gilbert And Sullivan
With A Sense Of Deep Emotion (trial By Jury)
Gilbert And Sullivan
With Cat-like Tread (the Pirates Of Penzance)
Gilbert And Sullivan
Would You Know The Kind Of Maid (princess Ida)
Gilbert And Sullivan