100 Carols For Choirs Willcocks/rutter Spiral

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74 of the most popular items from Carols for Choirs 1, 2 and 3 in one volume, plus 26 pieces new to the series. The volume contains both accompanied and unaccompanied items, and the Order of Service for a Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols. OUP's choral publishing is admired worldwide and includes an impressive collection of anthologies for every type of choir. These volumes include all the vital standard repertoire plus less well-known works and have become indispensible to singers worldwide.

Just one of the many exciting Sheet Music products from our immense range of Sheet Music, Songbooks and Music Gifts for all Musicians, Teachers, Bands, Choirs, and Schools.

John Rutter
Choral And Vocal Scores
Book only

A Child Is Born In Bethlehem
Scheidt Ed. Willcocks
A Maiden Most Gentle
French Trad. Arr. Carter
A Merry Christmas
English Trad. Arr. Warrell
A New Year Carol
Benjamin Britten
A Spotless Rose
Herbert Howells
A Babe Is Born
William Mathias
A Great And Mighty Wonder
Old German Harm. Praetorius
A Virgin Most Pure
English Trad. Arr. Wood
Adam Lay Ybounden
Peter Warlock
All My Heart This Night Rejoices
J. G. Ebeling
Alleluya, A New Work Is Come On Hand
Peter Wishart
Angelus Ad Virginem (gabriel To Mary Came)
14th Century Irish Arr. Willcocks
As With Gladness Men Of Old
C. Kocher Arr. Willcocks
Ave Plena Gracia
Peter Maxwell Davies
Away In A Manger
W. J. Kirkpatrick Arr. Willcocks
Birthday Carol
David Willcocks
Child In A Manger
Celtic Trad. Arr. Rutter
Christmas Night
16th Century French Arr. Rutter
Coventry Carol
16th Century English Arr. Shaw
Coventry Carol
16th Century English
Cradle Song
Flemish Trad. Arr. Rutter
Deck The Hall
Welsh Trad. Arr. Willcocks
Ding Dong! Merrily On High
16th Century French Arr. Willcocks
Ding Dong! Merrily On High
16th Cent. French Harm. Wood
Gabriels Message
Basque Noël Arr. Willcocks
God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen
English Trad. Arr. Willcocks
Good King Wenceslas
Piae Cantiones Arr. Willcocks
Hail! Blessed Virgin Mary
Italian Harm. Wood
Hark! The Herald-angels Sing
Mendelssohn Arr. Willcocks
Here We Come A-wassailing
English Trad. Arr. Rutter
Hush! My Dear, Lie Still And Slumber
French Trad. Arr. Willcocks
I Saw A Maiden
Basque Noël Arr. Pettman
I Saw Three Ships
English Trad. Arr. Willcocks
I Wonder As I Wander
Appalachian Coll. Niles Arr. Rutter
I Saw Three Ships
English Trad. Arr. Rutter
Il Est Né Le Divin Enfant (he Is Born The Divine Christ-child)
French Trad. Arr. Willcocks
In The Bleak Mid-winter
Harold Darke
In Dulci Jubilo
German Trad. Arr. Pearsall
In The Bleak Mid-winter
Gustav Holst
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly
Polish Trad. Arr. Willcocks
It Came Upon The Midnight Clear
English Trad. Arr. Willcocks
Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
Lyra Davidica Arr. Willcocks
Jesus Christ The Apple Tree
Elizabeth Poston
Jesus Child
John Rutter
Jingle, Bells
J. Pierpoint Arr. Willcocks
Joy To The World
Lowell Mason Arr. Rutter
Joys Seven
English Trad. Arr. Cleobury
King Jesus Hath A Garden
Dutch Trad. Harm. Wood
Kings Of Orient
J. H. Hopkins Arr. Willcocks
Lo! He Comes With Clouds Descending
18th Century English Arr. Willcocks
Lo, How A Rose Eer Blooming
German Harm. Praetorius
Longfellows Carol
Allen Percival
Lord Of The Dance
American Adapted Carter Arr. Willcocks
Lute-book Lullaby
W. Ballet Arr. Shaw
Marys Lullaby
John Rutter
Myn Lyking
R. R. Terry
Nativity Carol
John Rutter
O Come, All Ye Faithful (adeste Fidelis)
J. F. Wade Arr. Willcocks
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (veni, Veni, Emmanuel)
15th Century French Arr. Willcocks
O Queen Of Heaven
Timothy Rogers
O Little One Sweet
Old German Harm.bach
O Little Town Of Bethlehem
English Trad. Arr. Vaughan Williams, Descant By Armstrong
O Little Town Of Bethlehem
H. Walford Davies
Of The Fathers Heart Begotten (corde Natus Ex Parentis)
From Piae Cantiones Arr. Willcocks
Once In Royal Davids City
H. J. Gauntlett Harm. Mann Arr. Willcocks
Once, As I Remember
17th Century Italian Harm. Wood
Out Of Your Sleep
Richard Rodney Bennett
Past Three A Clock
English Trad. Arr. Wood
Personent Hodie
German 1360 Arr. Holst
Quelle Est Cette Odeur Agréable? (whence Is That Goodly Fragrance Flowing?)
French Trad. Arr. Willcocks
Quem Pastores Laudavere (shepherds Left Their Flocks A-straying)
14th Cent. German Arr. Rutter
Rise Up, Shepherd, And Follow
Spiritual Arr. Rutter
Sans Day Carol
Cornish Trad. Arr. Rutter
See Amid The Winters Snow
John Goss Arr. Willcocks
Shepherds Pipe Carol
John Rutter
Shepherds, In The Field Abiding (angels, From The Realms Of Glory)
French Trad. Arr. Willcocks
Silent Night (stille Nacht)
Franz Gruber Arr. Willcocks
Sing Aloud On This Day!
German 1360 Arr. Holst
Sir Christèmas
William Mathias
Star Carol
John Rutter
Still, Still, Still
German Arr. Ledger
Sussex Carol
English Trad. Arr. Willcocks
The Cherry Tree Carol
English Trad. Arr. Willcocks
The First Nowell
English Trad. Arr. Willcocks
The Holly And The Ivy
English Trad. Arr. Walford Davies
The Infant King
Basque Noël Arr. Willcocks
The Shepherds Farewell
The Truth From Above
English Trad. Arr. Vaughan Williams
The Crown Of Roses
The Three Kings
Peter Cornelius Arr. Atkins
There Is A Flower
John Rutter
There Is No Rose
Anon. C.1420 Ed. Stevens
This Christmas Night
Malcolm Williamson
This Joyful Eastertide
Dutch Trad. Arr. Wood
Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day
English Trad. Arr. Willcocks
Twelve Days Of Christmas
English Trad. Arr. Rutter
Unto Us Is Born A Son
Piae Cantiones Arr. Willcocks
Up! Good Christen Folk, And Listen
Piae Cantiones Harm. Wood
Wassail Song
English Trad. Arr. Vaughan Williams
Wexford Carol
Irish Trad. Arr. Rutter
What Cheer?
William Walton
When Christ Was Born
Reginald Jacques
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks
From Este S Psalter Arr. Willcocks
Ye Choirs Of New Jerusalem
H. J. Gauntlett Arr. Willcocks